Cadmate Takeoff

Improve Efficiency Productive Tools and Precise Calculation
You can now estimate your projects immediately and perform digital takeoffs on drawings and send quantities/estimates directly to the field for easy communication. Say good-bye to costly printing fees and running around and save time, mopey and space.
TakeOff with a Modem Touch
With state of the art pdf and dwg technology used in Cadmate Takeoff, the application provides high clarity and
accuracy, while working on drawings.
Precision is a very important aspect in quantity estimation and with innovative technologies embodied in this
application makes it one of the most desirable application. CADMATE software brings to you CADMATE TakeOff a
unique application for estimation and quantity takeoff.

Key Features & Functions

Multi File Format Support
Working on multiple file formats is very important during the estimation process. Cadmate TakeOff supports opening and working on dwg, pdf, dwf & dxf files

Copy Calculations
Transfer the calculations between the document in ease with the expertise of copy & paste functions accessible from the workspace window.

Automate Calculations
Now automate the calculations smoothly with the Record start and stop icons from the workspace window.

Automatic Quantity TakeOff
Take error-free quantity calculations from your document by defining the specific region in the work sheet using automatic object calculation.

Manual & Auto Calculations
Take quick calculations of object such as Area, Length, Volume, Perimeter & many more operations in both PDF & DWG drawings using both auto and manual methods.

Print & Plot
You can get the plot output of a predefined area on the screen where the calculations are accomplished.

Text Properties Manager
You can get the plot output of a predefined area on the screen where the calculations are accomplished.

Drawing Overlay
Superimpose selected drawing over the current drawing sheet, helping you to compare revisions in drawing.

Work on .dwg Drawings
Now edit entities within your dwg files directly using CADMATE TakeOff. This helps the estimators in carrying the estimation and takeoff operations much faster.

Multiple Deduction Calculation Options
Calculating deduction in a drawing in both PDF & DWG has become very simple with a click of a button. Options such as deduction by Sketch, Circular, Auto Select, Manual by value entry.

Linear Surface Area Calculation
Calculate linear surface area of the object by excluding the obstacles within the surface from the plan view using the all new linear surface option.

Export To .XLS
Exporting the total calculation to excel with Export XLS menu from the ribbon window, is much faster and easier.

Work Space
Get the flexibility to work with multiple files in the same project using the workspace window.
Features Enhancement
CADMATE Takeoff interface is sleek, simple & maintains a very smooth transition between user & the toolsets listed in the application.

CADMATE Takeoffs operation panel has sets of advanced semi parametric tools which will help the engineers to automate the work process to make it more reliable, error free and faster.

CADMATE Takeoff supports MDI (Multiple Document Interface) that enables the user to work with multiple documents at the same time. This helps to combine various verticals into a single platform and carry out the intended calculations.

Calculation of Perimeter, Area and Volume can now be automated with ease using the Auto select functionality with CAD MATE Take Off.

- PDF/ DWG/ DWF Support
- Perimeter Calculation
- Volume Calculation
- Surface Area Calculation
- Auto Count
- Length Calculation
- Area Calculation
- Text Count